Category Archives: Hope and Faith

‘From the Village to the World’ – Jeremiah’s Newly Published Book!

Royal Overcomers

Jeremiah’s newly published book is a powerful message of hope based on his testimony.


We are pleased to introduce Jeremiah’s new book:

From the Village to the World: Reflections on Setbacks that Turned into Breakthroughs. (Available at Amazon in Kindle format and Paperback (Please see link above).

Jeremiah, a UK-based Kenyan Economist and Pastor, was born and raised in a small village called Kamanzi in Kenya. His childhood was spent in the midst of tremendous challenges including poverty and deprivation. Their family struggled to afford food and school fees. That notwithstanding, Jeremiah received education through providential circumstances. By sharing reflections from his own life story, Jeremiah offers the reader an example of how setbacks in real life turned into breakthroughs.
In addition to Jeremiah’s life story, you will read reflections from four other similarly inspiring stories. This message will encourage and inspire you to convert life’s inherent setbacks…

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Enriched In Every Way!!

Hi Everyone!!

I share today with expectancy of receiving from the Lord myself, discerning more and having more insight of this walk of faith and of Him. So here we go!!

I came across the Word of God in 1Corinthians 1:4-9 and came to a stop for a while and it says

I always thank my God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus. For in him you have been enriched in every way—with all kinds of speech and with all knowledge— God thus confirming our testimony about Christ among you. Therefore you do not lack any spiritual gift as you eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed. 8 He will also keep you firm to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

I like the wisdom in Paul when he begins his letter with encouragement and praises for the Church he is writing to, knowing very well that there are areas that need improvement from them. His praises, though not long in words, are positioned first in his communication before spending much more time in rebuke and correction. May we take this wisdom in our daily lives as we relate with each other!!

So looking the Scripture, it reminded me of a sermon that my Pastor preached from Ephesians 1:3-23 which is also in the beginning of the letter to the church in Ephesus.

It is interesting for me that when Paul talked about being enriched (to be made better or wealthier) in every way, the emphasis was in speech and knowledge (These may have been the two gifts that were prevalent.It is beautiful to see Paul writing more on spiritual gifts in this book in the 12th Chapter.)and not in material possessions. And because they have found this enrichment in Jesus Christ, they do not lack any spiritual gift(through the Holy Spirit) and the idea here is that what they have received is to be utilized for benefits that relate to Jesus Christ being revealed. No wonder, then, verse 9 gives an assurance that verse 8 will be fulfilled as they continue doing verse 7 because they have verse 4,5 and 6. Do I make sense?

God is faithful to help us in our journey of faith, but…He has given us what we need as we walk this journey of faith. We will not walk alone! We have the grace which enables us to do all things and this grace is found in Jesus Christ. Because you cannot be enriched in all things apart from being in Jesus Christ. In Him, we lack no good thing. There is an expectation in this scripture for us to bear fruit because what we need to do so, has been provided. The Holy Spirit will help us to utilize our gifts and bear the fruit desired by our Master. The assurance is that our Lord Jesus will keep us strong to the end. The end when we will see Him again and spend eternity with Him!! He is faithful. Hallelujah!!

What then are your gifts that you have been enriched with to fulfill your purpose here in on earth? My prayer is that you and I will bear fruit with our aim being to fulfill our calling as we eagerly wait for the Lord Jesus to be revealed. He is coming back…soon!! Be blessed!!